Online Group Discussion - Tuesday 13th March

On Tuesday I attended a great Skype discussion with the most people I've seen in one chat. The 9pm time slot obviously works for lots of us! I joined late so didn't catch everyone's names so apologies if I don't give the correct people credit for what they contributed.

I've had a busy couple of weeks and haven't managed to do anything productive towards my BAPP so didn't have anything new I wanted to talk about. However I was keen to participate in other people's discussions to hopefully help them and to reconnect with the tasks.

Someone asked for ideas or tips for getting started started on Module 2, something I have also struggled to do properly. Laura (I think, although not sure which Laura) suggested physically mapping out our professional practice as a spider diagram. Much of what we write will be what we noticed/learned in Module 1 such as what we do, how we do it and what we need to be able to do it. We then need to look further into which areas we lack knowledge/experience and what we need to do to develop our practice. I am going to try this and plan to post a photo of my spider diagram in my next blog entry. I hope that mapping my practice in this way will visually highlight areas for development, in that there will be gaps on my page where my knowledge is more limited.

At the end of the call, Adesola spoke about stepping back and observing ourselves within the discussion. For example, do we start nervous but grow in confidence and begin to contribute more as the call goes on? Do we plan to speak up a lot and lead conversations but end up saying very little? I think this is something I need to consider - I tend to view the Skype chats as something to discuss and facilitate my learning but not as part of my practice. My Module 1 feedback also commented that I hadn't written about how I had engaged with the BAPP community via Skype, blogs, etc. When I map out my practice, as mentioned above, I will be sure to think about my interactions with our BAPP community.


  1. Hi Natalie, last week was a great discussion with so many people to hear from. I hope that mapping out your practice will help you get started on thinking about what you would like to base your enquiry on. I am still deciding myself and after my spider diagram I have asked other dance teachers that I work with what is it that they wish the knew more about. Although I want to base my enquiry on something that is beneficial to me and my practice it also helped talking to other people to see what areas they believe they are less knowledgeable in.

    1. Hi Laura!
      Mapping out my practice has definitely helped me to find an area I'm interested in but I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to find out. I think my next step is to speak to other dance teachers like you suggest - maybe to help me focus my thoughts better and also to hear their thoughts on what they would like to know more about. Can I ask what styles of dance you teach? And what your enquiry idea is?
      Natalie :)


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