Online Group Discussion - Tuesday 13th March
On Tuesday I attended a great Skype discussion with the most people I've seen in one chat. The 9pm time slot obviously works for lots of us! I joined late so didn't catch everyone's names so apologies if I don't give the correct people credit for what they contributed. I've had a busy couple of weeks and haven't managed to do anything productive towards my BAPP so didn't have anything new I wanted to talk about. However I was keen to participate in other people's discussions to hopefully help them and to reconnect with the tasks. Someone asked for ideas or tips for getting started started on Module 2, something I have also struggled to do properly. Laura (I think, although not sure which Laura) suggested physically mapping out our professional practice as a spider diagram. Much of what we write will be what we noticed/learned in Module 1 such as what we do, how we do it and what we need to be able to do it. We then need to look further into which are...