Starting Module 3

So we're halfway through week 3 already and time is moving scarily fast, as it has for my entire BAPP journey so far!

I attended the 'Welcome back' Skype session on Sunday 16th September, which was mostly about looking at the new course page online and going through some of the new forms and documents.

Over the following week I wrote up my response to my Module 2 feedback and my study plan. Although my study plan didn't reveal anything I didn't already know, it was helpful to write in black and white how I learn, how I plan to use my time and the Skype sessions I plan to attend.

I then attended an all-module Skype discussion on Tuesday 25th September. I didn't have anything specific in mind to speak about but thought it would be beneficial to engage with other students in any discussion. I feel like I ended up offering lots of my own experiences and advice to students in Modules 1 and 2 and actually found it really helpful to revisit ideas from earlier in my BAPP journey. We discussed the following areas:

  • Communication - using blogs, module-specific Skype discussions, all-module Skype discussions, 1:1s with our supervisors, other professionals within our practice.
  • Getting started - planning our time week to week and across the whole term including the Skype sessions we will attend, planning/preparing a work space, reading and re-reading the handbooks, revisiting work from previous modules (if applicable).
  • Breaking away from the thought of finding the 'right answer'. We need to see each module as a cycle that we will go through multiple times, learning and exploring new ideas as we go.
It also came to my attention how confident I have become in our Skype discussions. In previous modules, I was often nervous and reluctant to speak up whereas this time I actually held back a couple of times because I was aware I had spoken a lot and didn't want to obstruct anyone else trying to contribute to the discussion. I think this is partly due to feeling more settled with the BAPP course in general (having reached the 3rd module) and also evidences how I am no longer worrying about saying something 'wrong'. I feel like this is a big step as it is something I really struggled with at the start of the course.

I am currently in the process of collecting survey responses and planning and conducting observations. It has been frustrating to be delayed by other people and I may have to adjust the timings I had planned on my gantt chart (below) in order to collect a reasonable amount of data but I am confident that I can catch up with the time I have lost and complete everything I had hoped to do within my inquiry.



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